Monday, December 10, 2007
Obama and Oprah Join forces for world domination!
Obama is doing the typical presidential campaign strategy. He's hitting up all the smaller states before the elections and instead of spreading propaganda about his opponents, he has a superstar touring with him. That way by the time it comes to vote, if people don't at least recognise his name, they'll remember that Oprah helped him during his campaign. People Love Oprah and will do pretty much anything she says. So if Oprah says she's voting for Obama I'm sure there are plenty of people who will do the same. Monkey see monkey do.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Fight On H.I.V/AIDS continues.

You may be thinking that Hillary is wrong by asking for more money to help this fight. Yes, this country faces a huge deficit but how much of that money is being wasted on an unnecessary war. All the money Bush has asked for could have been used to find a cure by now.
I think Hillary is on the right track by proposing to give more money towards the HIV/AIDS fight. This Country spends way too much money on things, like the war, and doesn't on more important issues. I think we need a reality check. HIV/AIDS effects everyone in the world even if you are fortunate enough not to have it. I just hope that whoever gets the presidency keeps their end of the bargain.
Friday, November 16, 2007
A scary thought...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Bush Vetos Child Health Care Expansion Bill
Today President Bush vetoed a bill that would increase the state health insurance program for children. The Democrats will try to override the veto, but if they can't it will put a cloud over presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton's health Plan. The presidential elections are coming up and Democratic voters will start to wonder if they're on the right team, if they can't even overcome the president on a bipartisan bill. They already can't change the war in
Bush may appear to be somewhat of a goof, but I think this a deliberate attempt on his part to make this election process a little harder for the democrats. Why wouldn't He want the best for the American youth? That should come before everything else. He has spent way too much money fighting a war that his own country doesn't support. We don't even know why we're still in
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